Cathedral High School

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Lucas Williams ’10

I graduated from Cathedral with the Class of 2010. I remember first visiting Cathedral as an 8th grader in St. Patrick School. When I walked through those halls, which I perceived as imposing, I realized I was walking into something much different from my experience in St. Patrick.

An environment in an all-boys high school struck me as intimidating at first, and I also remember being amazed by the old portion of the Cathedral building, with its amazingly high ceilings. My family and I thought that, as Cathedral was the most prestigious high school in El Paso, that was the place where I truly belonged and where my education would take place and thrive.

Perhaps my most cherished moments at Cathedral were the academic awards ceremonies at the end of each term, where students were rewarded for their effort. I also cherish my time participating in the prayer/volunteer organization “Irish for Mary” in which we promoted discussion and activism of the Catholic faith; and have very wonderful memories of my sophomore Religion class with Mr. Woznicki – a morality class taught amazingly thoroughly and competently, as well as with much dynamism. But perhaps most of all, I cherish my memories being around Christian Brothers like Brother Mel and Brother Alphonse le Blanc (Brother Nick wasn’t Principal then) who truly cared about their students. I very much admire the LaSallian vocation.

After Cathedral, I attended the University of Chicago, where I received a B.A. in Philosophy and graduated in June 2014. Right now I am a masters student in Political Philosophy at the Catholic University of Portugal, and I reside in Lisbon, Portugal. My time at Cathedral contributed most of all perhaps in giving me a sense of the human experience, and understanding male camaraderie much more than other peers, as well as being in a place where my Catholic faith was fostered.

“What are you proudest of?”
Perhaps I am proudest of the fact that, though I started off my high school career as a mediocre student, being apathetic and insecure about my potential, that all changed with the encouragement of many of my teachers and mentor figures at Cathedral, and I graduated nearly in the top 10, and attended one of the best universities in the nation on full grants.

“What lesson from Cathedral do you carry with you?”
I learned many things at Cathedral, but perhaps one that strikes me from my Alma Mater is learning that the Faith can be lived in an ordinary way, serving without ceremony or glamour and with true love.

“Do you have a message (lesson/observation) for a current Cathedral student?”
I would say, young Cathedral student, if you find yourself unmotivated or insecure about your academic abilities or other aspects, do not ever give up. You are worth much more than you know, and it’s never too late to step up the gears to attend a competent university or rewarding job. Seek out the help and support that Cathedral has to offer, as well as the mentor figures that can help guide you through the process of becoming a premier young man.